About Jenn
Hi, I’m Jenn,
My passion is supporting others, helping them to live a real and authentic life. Connecting to who we really are, trusting and accepting ourselves brings such deep happiness. I have worked with women individually, in feminine sister circles and within corporate organisations for over 20 years in the field of coaching, self-care rituals and personal development. I truly believe that everyone has the capacity to understand what is important to them, access their inner guidance and an innate ability to grow and change their life. Sometimes they just need a little help to uncover their strength, their wisdom, their power or to connect with the woman they are yet to become…Sometimes they need someone to hold a safe space, teach and guide them…that’s where I come in.
I run the Four Levels of Authenticity Programme designed to help women to be authentic at all levels. I share tools and techniques to support in letting go of past behaviours and beliefs that no longer serve. I run Gather the Women 22 Day Programme allowing full appreciation and connection to all aspects of being a woman. I also create rituals, ceremonies and guided visualisations to support women through life and all that it brings to us.
Where has this passion come from?
I have always had a deep passion to support women in reaching their full potential. I know that I can make a difference using my personal experiences and all that I have learnt as a Master Practitioner of NLP, a Hypnotherapist, a Coach and Master Practitioner of Timeline Therapy. I am also a certificated Counsellor, a Practitioner of Cacao and trained in Meditation and Mindfulness. I use all of my wisdom and deep knowing in my programmes, my group work and with individuals.
Five years ago I went through an experience that took me to a deeper level of understanding. This experience added so much more to my awareness.
In 2017, my world as I had known it changed forever. I had 2 cancer diagnosis and went through the usual round of treatments with a lot of surgery. As awful as this was…it started me on a deeper voyage of self-discovery. I realised that I had more to learn to truly live life for me! So began a new journey… to connect to the real me, to create a life where I live authentically on all levels of well-being: physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually
I learnt where to focus my energy. I tuned into my body’s innate wisdom, my emotional and spiritual needs. I stopped pushing myself to do more and more, stopped trying to be perfect. I realised there was no need to prove myself to anyone or try to fit with expectations of me…or the expectations I thought everyone had of me.
I researched plants, herbs, and techniques to support me physically. I became a Reiki healer. I started daily self-care practices such as drinking the beautiful heart-opening Cacao. I created guided meditations to support myself emotionally. I found ways to let go of fear, unhelpful behaviours and beliefs that had undermined me. I peeled back the masks of convention that I had hidden behind for so long.
I made decisions about what was important to me, what gave me energy, what made me feel healthy, what made me laugh, what filled me with joy AND what made me feel real and authentic. I set myself free at a deep level to live from a place of truth.
Five years on, I’m still cancer free. I’m healthy and loving the changes I made to my life.
I have worked for MacMillan as a volunteer for the last 18 months. In that time, I have qualified as a Forest Bathing Guide for The Institute of Forest Bathing and become a Sound Therapist. My thirst for life has taken me all over the world. I love exploring new countries and their cultures. Sharing with others brings me great joy. I feel alive by the sea and in nature. I currently live in the beautiful English countryside with my partner Jason.

A 22 day Programme designed to give meaning to your past, appreciate and honour the woman you are now and create and hold dear the woman you are yet to become.

A Programme designed to support you in connecting with you. A space to really lean into & get to know you – your real authentic self, who you are as a RADIANT REAL WOMAN.

Bespoke 1-2-1 Coaching Programmes designed to support your well-being and manage life’s challenges…anti cancer & wellness coaching programmes.