Jenn Levers


  • What Rules do You Live By?
    Quite often, we are unaware that we follow unwritten rules every day of our lives. Whether it’s at home, at work, with our family and friends or in social situations. Perhaps we follow rules that we have learnt to follow because they are expected of us, or we think that this is what is expected of us! Perhaps these rules that we have learned to follow are to help us to fit in or feel accepted.
  • Following Your Inner Guidance
    Do you sometimes feel as if you are really in the zone, knowing that you are doing just what’s right for you? Feeling full of joy, full of energy? That real buzz of achieving and almost not wanting to stop? Does that happen to you?
  • Forest Bathing
    Last week I spent a magical week immersed in nature as I finished my training to become a Forest Bathing Guide. It was a wonderfully calming time really connecting with nature and allowing space to just be….and breath!
  • Comparisons
    I went for a coffee yesterday at a local café with some friends and we started talking about why women compare themselves to other women. Two of us were in our fifties, one of us was in her twenties and the other in her thirties.  
  • Remembering Self-Care 
    Just checking in. How are you beautiful? 
  • Creating healthy habits and sticking to them! 
    Have you ever started a new routine or daily activity only to find that it becomes harder to keep it going? You start well, then you miss a day, and a few excuses creep in? Before you know it, a week has passed, then a month, and the new habit is forgotten. 
  • Self-love and gratitude for your body 
    How often do you pay attention to the needs of your body or focus on what it does for you every day? Do you ignore it? Do you take your body for granted? Find that you are too busy for your self-care practices? Criticise or make judgement about imperfections? 
  • Affirmations. Their power in helping you create success.
    During my life, I have been drawn to learning about how intentions and affirmations impact our brain and everyday life. I’ve read hundreds of books, undertaken courses and attended talks and lectures. All of this leads me to understand that what we focus our attention on guides our lives in ways that are truly amazing.
  • A love letter to all women…
    I want to tell you how wonderful and loved you are. I see your power; I see your wisdom. I know you want to hide somewhere that feels safe. Pretend to be unseen, be quiet and let others be heard instead of you. I can still …
  • What suggestions are you accepting every day?
    The words we or others say to us, any suggestions that we accept have the power to shape and impact our lives.
  • Journaling. A daily ritual of self-exploration. Finding your voice.
    Have you ever had one of those great conversations with a close friend? A conversation that leaves you feeling cleansed almost as if you’ve let go of lots of your stuff? A conversation where you feel as if there’s been a release and you feel energised …
  • To become or not to become!
    I was reading an article yesterday about becoming. It was all about aspiring to become a new and improved version of ourselves. The focus was on what we want to become, the on new attributes, behaviours and ways of being.
  • Happy New Year
    Goals or Intentions for the new year, do I have to? As it’s the start of another new year, I’ve begun wondering what it holds. After the sense of quiet and stillness of last year, this new year feels as if it’s one of growth and …