A sacred invitation to meet the 3 aspects of yourself, gathering ALL the women you are…
An opportunity to form a more trusting relationship with these aspects of you;
…the girls we used to be
… the women we are now
…the women we are yet to become

This is a gift to the younger you, the little girl/teen/younger woman you were…
It’s an honouring of the woman you are now –
how far you’ve come, what you achieved, what you struggled with,
what you’ve grown through, what you’ve gained and lost…
Its an invitation to the woman you are yet to become, to show herself, so you may get to know her deeply…
as a guide, as a friend and a mentor, a change maker and a path finder –
She is your wisdom…your higher guide.

Each year, we walk into these new phases of our lives…
We continue to walk with our hurts, past pain and wounds
We don’t truly see or step into the incredible power we have…
We don’t see ourselves for the amazing woman we really are…
We easily lose ourselves in being ‘busy’ and being a support to others…
This programme is designed to give you space for you
Give meaning to your past, to make peace with it if you need to,
Space to appreciate and honour the woman you are now,
Space to create, form and hold dear the woman you are yet to become.

Over 22 days you’ll create space for YOU
Connect with a close-knit confidential sisterhood to support you.
This is a deeply personal journey.
In complete confidence.
Building a trusted bond, in a safe space for you to speak your truth.
You will be witnessed in your growth, your sacred healing and your birth-right to thrive by women,
No one outside this trusted circle will ever hear what you say…
Complete confidence – a trust bond between you all
a safe space for you to speak your truth.
The freedom to speak, to be YOU.

• 4 online Sister Circle ceremony calls,
In these ceremonies we’ll have meditations, talking circles, readings, sharing, open discussion, complete discretion.
Its a safe container to say whatever you want about your past, your life right now at this point & who you see yourself becoming…
• 18 daily practices/rituals , meditations & home-based ceremonies (15 – 20 mins in length)
An activity or reflection sent to the private group daily including things like…
Making an offering to your younger self…giving her something she didn’t have as a child…
Beautiful activities…nurturing & caring for the woman she has become & the woman she is yet to become…
You might paint, draw, journal (only for your eyes!)
We’ll do rituals together…
Giving offerings to the earth in thanks to the elements that you’re made from…you’ll light candles to celebrate you…
write letters that will never be sent…
Plus many more over the 22 days.
• Group Online Support
A dedicated Whats App group & a chance to continue what will become a tight knit sister circle after the programme if you want to…
• The Gather the Women playlist Group support
To meditate to, to journal to…or to dance to…
• A copy of The Women who Gathered co-authored by Jennifer Levers

This is a re-wiring, a regeneration, a reforming…
In this sacred sister circle, you will form a bond with the other women & these 3 self-aspects of you…
You will learn deeply about them, communicating with them.
You will hold hands with them, you will honour them.
Gift your future self what she needs to allow her to be your guide,
Share her wisdom & lay the pathway for you to follow…
This immersion will see a re-parenting of you, a ‘moving-past’ old family patterns,
Inviting in fresh energy, clear perspectives, self-love and empowerment.
The daily practices & rituals will be messaged to you & are designed not to take longer than 20 minutes…if you wish, they can take as long as you want…
Contact Jenn if you would like to be part of the next Programme